Диалог на английском языке путешествие

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M.: So, Ann. We are about...Are you going to take some rest before this new stage of life?
A.: Yes, you are absolutely right. It is really a new stage in our life. I want to pull myself up before taking this serious step.
M.: The same for me…How do you picture this?
A.: Well…Actually, I have already made plans for the summer.
M.: Oh, have you really?
A.: Yes. I’am planning to go to a summer camp to Sochi. I want to work as a counselor.
M.: Oh, wow! That is quite a strange choice. It is more of a job.
A.: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. For me communication with children it’s a huge pleasure and real rest. I can forget about all problems and cares there. I will have time to think of what I want further from life.
M.: I don’t know about this…24/7.
A.: 5 years of my study at university made so tired of brain activity. I don't want to learn anything anymore, I do not want to think. For me physical work is the most suitable way out of this situation.
M.: Oh, so boring…
A.: Not a good compressing. What’s more, we have a lot of excursions planned.
M.: Oh, come on…do not equal to real travelling.
A.: And who is talking about villages and zoos? We will see an arboretum, waterfalls, mountains. Isn’t that more than enough?
M.: Oh, for me travelling is when you go to places you’ve never been before…
A.: Like where?
M.: Tibet for example or perhaps India…
A.: And what are you going to do there?
M.: Nothing. I will sit and think.
A.: Oh…Why can’t you do it here?
M.: You just can’t understand…
A.: And what about socializing…friends, family?
M.: I go there to escape from all this…to understand what I want.
A.: Oh, now I see. Everyone is searching his own pass in life. And everybody’s making it in his own way.